The 5 W's
Who: Team of Steering Specialists

Co-founders have over 40 years of combined experience in the steering remanufacturing industry, thus assuring excellence in our workmanship and service. Prestige Power Steering was founded over 16 years ago, and currently employs over 12 highly trained specialists.

What: The Steering Source
  The name says its all - Prestige Power Steering, the manual and power steering specialists. If you are in need of any remanufactured steering products - PPS can supply it. PPS has inventory coverage for both domestic and imported vehicles.
When: Now
  At PPS, our policy is to service the customer as quickly as possible. PPS supplies several stockists/distributors throughout Victoria and has a large range of remanufactured steering products ready to freight same day Australia-wide. Even if you have a custom rebuild job, we will give it our top priority.
Where: Throughout Melbourne Metro
  PPS is based in Thomastown, Melbourne. Our remanufactured products are stocked by several stockists Melbourne wide.
Why: Why Take A Chance?

All PPS products are remanufactured to meet and exceed even the most stringent standards in the industry! Built to perform, our power steering pumps, racks and pinions and steering boxes put the control back in your hands.. where it belongs!

PPS stands behind all its products with a two year / 40,000 km Australia-wide warranty.

How: Contact Us 
  We welcome the opportunity to help with your enquiries - the customer is our top priority. PPS knows that we would not be here without you - yours needs become ours. Our experienced technical and troubleshooting team is only too happy to help.